Lodge of Honour – The Progressive Lodge in Bath
This Installation Meeting signals a new era for the lodge, with the new Worshipful Master taking the chair for the first time and all of his progressive officers being Master Masons. It is very rare these days to find a lodge which does not have at least one officer who has already been through the chair and we are all very aware of how special our lodge is in this respect.
Our new WM invested his officers with great sincerity and it was apparent that he had put a lot of thought and effort into preparing for the evening. Each member accepted his office with pride and it is clear that they are all enthusiastic and intending to progress through the offices with the ultimate aim of becoming the Master of the lodge themselves in future years.
Our Provincial representative was very complimentary about the ceremony and emphasised how rare it was to find a lodge in such good heart.
At dinner after the meeting the atmosphere was electric and an excellent meal of Chicken and Bacon Salad, Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding with Seasonal Vegetables and Bread and Butter Pudding was enjoyed by all.
The toasts and the speeches were all delivered promptly and sincerely with the brethren enthusiastically joining in the chorus to the Worshipful Masters Song and it was a highlight of the evening when we all toasted the new worshipful Master. We also had a bumper raffle and nearly half of those present received a prize.
This evening was a landmark occasion for a lodge which is definitely on the up!
Our new WM has much planned for the coming year and, including our Curry Club, we expect to have a social event every month.